About Me

Buying Property: Working with Tradesmen and Agents

Welcome to my blog. My name is Darren. I own several rental properties in Western Australia. Once I had made the purchases, I discovered that several of the properties needed extensive work before I could rent them to tenants, so I had to hire construction contractors, plumbers, electricians, waste disposal experts and roofing experts to make sure the homes were in top condition. Once I had repaired the buildings, I contacted a letting agent who put them on the market for me. I learnt a lot from working with some many different businesses so I decided to start this blog to share everything I know.



Buying Property: Working with Tradesmen and Agents

Unveiling the Importance of Asbestos Inspections for Rental Homes

by Louella Brewer

Asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral once lauded for its heat resistance and durability, can pose significant health risks if disturbed. Inhaling its fibres can result in the development of chronic lung diseases, including asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. Staying informed about potential health hazards caused by exposure to these fibres is crucial for maintaining well-being and safety. Therefore, it's vital for landlords and tenants alike to arrange for an asbestos inspection in rental properties, particularly those that are older. 

Why Conduct an Asbestos Inspection?

An asbestos inspection isn't just about ticking boxes; it's about safeguarding health. Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), often found in roofing, insulation, floor tiles or pipe lagging, pose no threat if left undisturbed. However, renovations, repairs or simply the passage of time can disrupt these materials, releasing harmful fibres into the air. An asbestos inspection identifies these potential hazards before they become a problem.

The Asbestos Inspection Process

Professional asbestos surveyors conduct these inspections following a meticulous process. They'll inspect all areas of the property, taking samples of suspected ACMs for laboratory analysis. Afterward, they'll provide a comprehensive report detailing the location, condition and type of any asbestos found. This report serves as a critical tool for managing asbestos risks and ensuring everyone's safety.

Legal Obligations for Landlords

Landlords have a legal duty to manage asbestos in their properties to protect tenants. This means they must identify and manage any asbestos-containing materials present. Therefore, an asbestos inspection isn't just good practice; it's a legal requirement.

Peace of Mind for Tenants

From a tenant's perspective, an asbestos inspection offers peace of mind. It ensures that the property is safe to live in and that any renovation plans won't inadvertently disturb hidden asbestos. Furthermore, it provides clear information about the presence of asbestos, allowing tenants to take appropriate precautions.

After the Asbestos Inspection: What's Next?

There is no need to panic if an inspection uncovers the existence of asbestos. Remain calm and take appropriate action. Many ACMs pose little risk if left undisturbed. The surveyor will advise on the best course of action, which could range from regular monitoring to professional removal. It's important not to attempt asbestos removal without professional help, as this can release fibres into the air, increasing the risk of exposure.

Conclusion: An Investment in Safety

In summary, an asbestos inspection is a vital step in ensuring the safety of rental properties. It helps landlords meet their legal obligations, offers peace of mind to tenants and identifies potential risks before they become serious health hazards. While there's a cost involved, it's a small price to pay for protecting the health of all occupants. So, don't delay; arrange for an asbestos inspection today. It's an investment in safety that's well worth making.

For more info about asbestos inspections, contact a local company. 
